An oligarch (rule of a few) has replaced our constitutional republic, where the written law (in original context) was king. To save America, patriots from coast to coast must peaceably fight for free speech and election integrity and decisively rescue our children and grandchildren.
The federal and state constitutions' guarantee of freedom of speech is what every elected official swears to defend in their oath of office. Yet free speech in America is being crushed and eliminated. Please stop censorship and help save America by urging your state legislators to require social media, web hosts, email service providers, and credit card processors to give users a month's notice before their accounts are disabled or suspended. This legislation must also penalize tech companies that suspend the accounts of political candidates; allow victimized individuals to sue for relief and damages if their posted content did not violate federal or state law; and permit the state attorney general to sue tech companies that stifle competition.
Type in your address to see your state legislators' phone and email
To have a constitutional republic, the written law must be agreed to and enforced. To have a democracy, you must ensure "one person, one vote." To restore our representative government and prevent a repeat of the election fraud of the 2020 election, urge your state legislators to require paper ballots and hand-counting (no more machines); strict photo identification; no vote-by-mail ballots except for overseas military or with a doctor's note; no ballots accepted after polls close on Election Day; and interested citizens must be granted unrestricted oversight at polling places and when ballots are counted. For it is the constitutional duty of state legislatures to provide honest elections.
Type in your address to see your state legislators' phone and email
You have compelling reasons to permanently remove your children from K-12 government schools, where weak academics, negative peer pressure, political correctness, sexual indoctrination, and anti-God, anti-America, pro-racism "education" fill the minds of impressionable boys and girls. How did the Radical Left get its “soldiers”? They took over the Democrat Party, the teachers' unions, and the government schools.
Stop and realize how fast your children grow. You have little time to rescue their minds, hearts, souls, and bodies from the anti-family education establishment. Decide today to rescue your child, while you still can. Talk to a homeschooling or church-schooling parent to learn how homeschooling is doable and church schools can be affordable.
Print these to learn how your family can start homeschooling
Request an interview with SaveAmerica.com Founder Randy Thomasson about current issues impacting families. He will inform and motivate your audience! Call 916-265-5650 to tell us how we can serve you.
If you care about children and families, watch these eye-opening videos. They are unique education and training for concerned citizens.
Agenda: Grinding America Down (2010) is an eye-opening documentary exposing the New Communist scheme killing our nation.
Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit (2016) shows how the Radical Left weaponizes fear to destroy what's left of our constitutional republic.
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